
Weighted Sum

Weighted Sum

Add Criteria

Create criteria for each factor impacting a decision. Give each criteria a weight based on how much it impacts the decision.

For example, when trying to decide which car to buy the criteria might be:

  • Safety = 0.5
  • Speed = 0.25
  • Price = 0.25

For each of these a weight is assigned based on how much the criteria impacts the decision. In this case Safety would make up 50% of the decision.

Add Alternatives

Create alternatives for each option:

  • Ford F-150
  • Aston Martin DB9
  • Volvo XC60


Give each alternative a score (0 - 10) for each criteria being considered. A higher score indicates a more preferable choice.

It's important to score each criteria independently of the others, use the weights to influence which criteria is the most important.

Each alternative is scored by multiplying the score for each criteria by it's respective weight and then adding all of the scores for the alternative together.
